The future of data engineering in digital product engineering lies with Gen AI

The future of data engineering in digital product engineering lies with Gen AI

The practice of data engineering in digital product engineering, involving data collection, transformation, and organization for analysis, is on the brink of a major revolution thanks to the emergence of Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI). As a subfield of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Gen AI specializes in creating AI systems capable of generating novel knowledge and … Read more

AI Optimism And The Race For Talent


The first mover argument is a well-known hypothesis in economic circles that stresses on the need for being the first to utilize a highly disruptive technology. Being the first user for any highly developed technology will be the determining factor that would separate the failed ventures from the successful ones. The glittering allure of AI … Read more

Pytorch : Everything you need to know in 10 mins

The latest release of Pytorch 1.0 by Facebook marks another major milestone for the open source Deep Learning platform. It is increasingly making it easier for developers to build Machine Learning capabilities into their applications while testing their code is real time. In this piece about Pytorch Tutorial, I talk about the new platform in … Read more