Low Code Platform: The Future of Software Development


In a dynamic business ecosystem where agility is tantamount to success, every organization is driven by the objective to gain a competitive edge in the market. This means staying on top of the latest technological developments and creating innovative and futuristic workflow processes, services, and products. All of this, in turn, translates into a mounting … Read more

Saas, Paas, & Iaas- Decoding the 3 Cloud Computing Service Models

Evolution of Cloud Computing Models Over the years, this technology paradigm has evolved through multiple phases. The earlier forms of computing that preceded modern cloud computing included grid, utility, and on-demand computing. The earliest forms of modern cloud computing that include Software (SaaS), Platform (PaaS) and Infrastructure (IaaS) emerged as a technological outcome that attended … Read more

How to build a secure cloud based Web Application

The curtain riser of cloud based application came with a prologue of caveats. Based on the research conducted by CSA APAC, the CSA Cloud Vulnerabilities Working Group in 2013, the number of cloud vulnerability incidents more than doubled over a four year period, increasing from 33 in 2009 to 71 in 2011. A total of … Read more