7 Mins Read  November 14, 2019  shital agarwal

Hands on with Node.Js Streams | Examples & Approach

An Introduction to Node.js

Never heard of Node.js? Node.js is an accessible asynchronous environment based on Javascript which contains several core modules helpful for performing various tasks. Node.js is famous worldwide due to its efficiency and being open-source, it brings a lot to the table. Node.js allows the developers to handle multiple requests on a single thread and thereby allowing them more breathing space.

Node.js handles data using two approaches – Buffered and Streamed. In the buffered approach, you have to write the entire data before the receiver may read it. Such an approach doesn’t support its asynchronous paradigm. When it comes to the Streamed approach, the information starts the interpreting process as soon as you enter it.

Before you read further, we would like to inform you that this article is about streams. Streams are an essential part of the Node.js environment. What it stream, and what do they do? What are the different types of streams? We have tried to cover several important questions that may help you in understanding Node.js Streams. Let’s get started.

What are Streams?

A stream is an abstract interface that lets you perform specific tasks continuously. A stream is an EventEmitter that implements different methods. A user can use streams to perform a variety of functions like read, write, read & write, and transform functions.

In a Node.js environment, streams are used to work with streaming data. It provides users with an API that helps them in creating the streaming interface. The data here is received in parts and is read in parts as well.

Piping the Streams

As the name suggests, piping is a process that ensures data flows without any hindrance. Piping feeds the output of a stream as an input to another stream and helps maintain a smooth workflow. How long will the piping continue depends on what a user feeds into the system.

Here is how you can execute a piping mechanism –

Begin by creating a js file main.js having the following code −

var fs = require("fs"); // Insert a readable stream var readerStream = fs.createReadStream('input.txt'); // Insert a writable stream var writerStream = fs.createWriteStream('output.txt'); // Pipe the read and write operations // read input.txt and write data to output.txt readerStream.pipe(writerStream); console.log("Program Ended"); After that run the main.js to see the output − $ node main.js Verify if it is what you had expected.

Open output.txt that has been created in your current directory. It should contain the following –


You can use additional codes to allow switching between modes automatically. Using piping, users can create bidirectional streams that can perform various functions. The piping mechanism stops as soon as the end functions runs. Users can bypass the end function by inserting an additional optional config object with end function as a Boolean in it.

Chaining the Streams

A process similar to Piping, Chaining is used to perform multiple tasks together. It is a method which connects the output of a stream to another stream and thereby performs multiple operations together. Here is an example of how it works –

Make a js file named main.js having the below-mentioned code −

var fs = require("fs"); var zlib = require('zlib'); // Compress the file Detox.txt to Detox.txt.gz fs.createReadStream(Detox.txt')    .pipe(zlib.createGzip())    .pipe(fs.createWriteStream(Detox.txt.gz')); console.log("File Compressed.");

After feeding the code, run the main.js to see the output −

$ node main.js Verify the Outcome. File has successfully been compressed.

You will find that Detox.txt has now been compressed and it has created a file Detox.txt.gz in the current directory. You can decompress the same file using the following code −

var fs = require("fs"); var zlib = require('zlib'); // Decompress the file input.txt.gz to Detox.txt fs.createReadStream(Detox.txt.gz')    .pipe(zlib.createGunzip())    .pipe(fs.createWriteStream(Detox.txt')); console.log("File Decompressed."); Finally run the main.js to see the outcome of your input − $ node main.js   Verify the Outcome. File Decompressed.

Types of Streams

Streams are capable of performing various functions depending on the category under which they fall. We can divide streams in the following categories – 

  • Readable Streams

A readable stream is the one from which you can read data. They come in two variants or two different reading modes – Paused and Flowing. All the readable streams run in pause mode unless you mingle with them. It means users have to request to get an output from the stream. Flowing mode ensures that the data flows continuously. You can choose to either consume or ignore the output that you see on the screen.

The fs.createReadStream function is used to create a readable stream or you can read()  continuously until all of the data finishes reading. To make the stream flow, you will need an additional bit of code. Here is an example of reading stream –

var fs = require('fs'); var readableStream = fs.createReadStream('file.txt'); var data = ''; var chunk; readableStream.on('readable', function() {    while ((chunk=readableStream.read()) != null) {        data += chunk;    } }); readableStream.on('end', function() { console.log(data) });

In the above example, the read() function will read data from the internal buffer and return it to the user. As soon as there is no data to read further, it will terminate the loop and return null.

While analyzing the readable stream, we realize that the data event and the end event are its most important events. The data event gets emitted whenever the stream sends a pile of data to the user. The end event comes into the scene when there is no more data left to be consumed by the stream.

  • Writable Streams 

Another EventEmitter, writable streams allow users to write on the chosen destination. We use write()  function to initiate a writable stream. The API here is simpler and prefers the use of methods instead of events. It is very easy for users to learn a writable stream. Here is a basic example of writable streams –

var fs = require('fs'); var readableStream = fs.createReadStream('file1.txt'); var writableStream = fs.createWriteStream('file2.txt');   readableStream.setEncoding('utf8');   readableStream.on('data', function(chunk) {     writableStream.write(chunk); });

The above example is a pretty standard affair. We are using a readable stream to read the inputs, and then the write()  stream writes it on the destination. You will get a Boolean as soon as the function is successful. If the return is true, the process is complete. In case there is any discrepancy, the function will return false.

Two significant events are usually attached to a writable stream – drain and finish events. The drain event is an indicator that the stream is capable of receiving more data. Whereas the finish event signifies that the underlying system has received the entire data.

  • Duplex Streams 

The first two streams are good at performing individual functions. With the duplex streams, you can perform both of their functions collectively without the burden of extra coding. It’s almost like the child inheriting the genes of both the mother and the father. Mostly a duplex stream consists of two individual streams, one of which is for flowing in, and the other one is for flowing out. Below is an example of a basic duplex stream –

net.createServer(socket => {     socket.pipe(socket) }).listen(8001);

In the given example, the socket has been piped to itself, which in turn will ensure the creation of a duplex stream. The first socket is a readable stream, whereas the next one is a writable stream. Whenever you run the function, the netcat will try to send some data to the server. On the other hand, the server will try to write the data received.

  • Transform Streams

A transform stream is a more complex duplex stream where the user reads what he is sending off as the input. Unlike the duplex stream, the reader here has access to the data that he has entered. It also refers to the fact that the output depends on the input provided to the machine. We use transformStream function to create a transform stream.
Here is a simple transform stream example – const readableStream = fs.createReadStream('file'); const transformStream = zlib.createGzip(); const writableStream = fs.createWriteStream('file.gz'); readableStream.pipe(transformStream).pipe(writableStream);

The above transform stream will zip a file when run. The zlib function comes into play when we need output that is either much larger or much smaller than the input. In this case, it has been used to create a smaller output. 

Streams Compatibility with Async Generators and Async Iterators
With the help of async generators, we can create a Node.js readable stream. We need to use the Readable.from() function as given in the example below – const { Readable } = require('stream');   async function * generate() {   yield 'a';   yield 'b';   yield 'c'; }   const readable = Readable.from(generate());   readable.on('data', (chunk) => {   console.log(chunk); })

We can also consume readable stream with async iterators using async() function. Here is an example –

(async function() {   for await (const chunk of readable) {     console.log(chunk);   } })();

These iterators are used to prevent unhandled post-destroy errors by registering a permanent error handler.

We can also pipe writable streams from async iterators but we must be careful of backpressure and errors.

Benefits of Streams

Being used worldwide, there has to be some benefits attached to streams. Other than the fact that even a beginner can implement them, here are some other benefits of using streams –

  • Time Efficiency

What is the benefit of a chain? It ensures that the person at the back is traveling along with the person at the front. Regarding the stream environment, due to piping, output data of a stream is transferred as an input of another stream. It ensures the timely processing of massive data due to constant flowing. Piping allows us to process multiple stages at the same time, thereby reducing unnecessary time wastage.

  • Spatial Efficiency

What do you do when you have a small buffer but a larger input file? You create a stream to display the data as soon as possible to ensure that the buffer remains free for the next lot. Suppose you want to read a file that is around 35 MB in size and display output. But the buffer is limited to 25 MB. What do you do in such a situation?

To avert the crisis, create a readable stream. What will it do? As soon as a part of data is read from your input, you can get the pile on to the buffer, display it, and clear it off to make space for the next lot. It will ensure that the data is not being leaked and fully processed.

  • Composed

Due to the piping ability of the streams, you can always know that the data stay composed in nature. In spite of a heavy code, streams will still connect to each other due to piping. It means that one input is piped to output and so on. You can also use duplex and transform streams to read and write at the same time.


Streams are an integral part of Node.js and have helped to simplify codes for the developers. With the help of streams, developers can now build a code in far less time than earlier. With so many other environments available that do the same thing, streams are the reason why most people have stayed on Node.js. This article should have given you a fair idea of what streams are and how they operate.

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